Sonic the Hedgehog XVIII: Confusion Strikes, Part 3 As Sonic slowly began to regain consciousness, he noticed Binx and Sally looking at the cabins. "What happened guys? How long have I been out?" "Sonic, Kit did this to you," Binx said, helping him up. "She's trying to break us up." "What, the team?" "Yeah, she possessed you and you told Tails that it would be a good idea if we got Kit on our side." Sonic looked at them with a puzzled look on his face. "I did that? I actually thought it would be a good idea to get Kit on our side? Ugh..." He shivered. "He ran toward the cabins and then Kit came out of you," Sally said. Sonic cringed. "Came out of me?!" "You just threw her up. Then she told me that `breaking up was hard to do'." "Yeah but Sally, why would she want to break us up?" "Maybe she's bad, not neutral," Binx said. "She wants to break us up, she did it before. When Tails burned down the cabin, when Binx was...bad." Binx snickered. "I think we all remember that," she said, giving Sonic a bad look. He ignored her. "Should we go to the cabin?" They nodded. "Let's go." Sally, Binx, and Sonic ran towards the cabin, hoping that Kit had left. Sonic X moaned. "Let's go already. I'm sick of sitting here." Robotnik walked over to Foxton and Bunnicula with a needle in his hand. "Pretty little robots, feel the bad take over you once again!!" He ejected the needle into Foxton. "NOOOO! AHHHH!" He suddenly stopped screaming and his eyes glared red. "Foxton! No!" Bunnicula tried to get free. "Come here you sorry excuse for a robot!" He pulled her towards him and thrust the needle into her side. Her eyes glowed red instantly, and Robotnik untied them. He turned toward Sonic X. "Now we are ready to go." The cabin looked perfectly normal. "Maybe neither of them are here," Sally said, knocking on the door. "Anyone alive or possessed in there?" she joked. The door slowly opened. Inside the cabin it was dark. Sonic cautiously walked in. Binx and Sally followed. "Hello?" Sonic asked in the dark. The door behind them slammed shut. "Kit? Is that you?" "Wouldn't that be funny if she was what was making it pitch black in here?" Binx whispered to Sally. Sonic sat down on the bed. "Weird. This is really weird." The lights in the cabin suddenly turned on. They looked around. Tails was standing in the corner, his face wasn't visible. "Tails, you are never going to believe what happened!" "What are you doing here Sonic? I thought you would be looking for Kit." Binx started to walk toward him. "Tails, Kit possessed Sonic." He smiled and came into the light. "She's back, man..," Sonic said, grabbing Tail's shoulder. He looked at Sonic and chuckled. "What?" "That's the biggest bunch of bull I've ever heard." Sally sighed. "Tails, we aren't telling you any bull." "I know what you guys are trying to pull." "Tails, we aren't trying to pull anything." Tails walked over to Sally. "Listen. You guys had already called Kit back, and expected me to accept it. You guys didn't even bother to ask me how I felt about-" Sally interrupted. "You're making this up Ta-" "SHUT UP! My turn to speak..." He turned toward Sonic and smiled. "Is Kit on your side now?" "No, she isn't. She's still bad. And she was headed towards here." The door to the cabin swung open and Kit appeared in the doorway. "Looks like you guys beat me here! What's up?" Tails laughed. "First meeting of the `new' Freedom Fighters?? Ha!" Kit smiled slyly. "Nice to finally be on your side Tails. It's great to know I have such good friends now." "YOU AREN'T ON THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS!" Sonic screamed. "And you never will be...freak," Binx growled at her. "Freak? Why are you guys saying this? Tails doesn't approve of me being on your side or something? I knew we should have talked with him about this." Tails walked over to the door and pushed Kit out of the way. "I can't take anymore of this...crap. You guys are really fouling up now, this is disgusting. Adios Freedom Fighters, hope you have fun with your new friend." "SHE'S LYING TAILS! SHE'S LYING! TAILS, SHE'S TRYING TO BREAK US UP! IF YOU LEAVE YOU'RE HELPING HER...NOT US!" Sally pleaded, grabbing Tail's arm. "Sally, I've had enough with you too," he swung his arm, causing her to fall to the ground. "I've had enough of all of you. If you guys need me, don't bother trying to find me." "Tails're leaving your life behind! You're sentencing Knothole to an early death! You're giving up!" Sonic said. "Good-bye," he walked out of the door, and headed towards Knothole's border. Chapter 2 "Hurry up everyone! I see the fox walking toward the border! If we hurry, we can get him!" Robotnik shouted, motioning for Tails X and Destiny to speed up. Knuckles and Sonic X walked ahead and tried to cut off Tail's path. "Make sure those darn robots don't get away Chuck!" "Robotnik, they're fine," Chuck called, holding Foxton and Bunnicula by their arms. Foxton looked at Bunnicula. His eyes glowed at her, and he let out a growl. She smiled, and looked at her hands. Claws came out of the top of her hands, and she waved them at Foxton. "They are ours Foxton...ours!!" she grumbled, as the claws went back into her metal body. Tails walked to the fork in the road with a determined look on his face. "How could they have done this to me? They don't even recognize my feelings? Don't they know how I feel about Miles being killed?" He sighed at looked at the signs. "Harpsville and Amino, which one to choose is the choice," he smirked. "Choose us Tails." Tails quickly turned around. "Knuckles...I don't want to fight you now." Knuckles smiled. "I don't come here to fight, just to compromise." "Compromise?" "Tails, why are you headed to the border?" "That's none of your business Knuckles." "It is very much my business. What's wrong....your fake friends not treating you well?" "Why do you care?" He chuckled. "Tails, tell me the truth...are you trying to leave the Freedom Fighters?" "Yes," he said, lowering his head. "Such a great fighter like you...leaving Knothole to go, where?" "I'm not sure yet." "Come and live with me and the rest of the the castle Tails." "No." "Tails, don't leave Knothole, we can use you, we are the only people who really care about you." Tails shook his head. "I said no. Now leave me alone." Knuckles laughed. "What's so funny?" Suddenly, Foxton and Bunnicula jumped out from behind Tails and grabbed his arms. They held him against his back. Tails struggled to break free. "NO! NO! HELP! HELP ME!" "NO ONE TO HELP YOU NOW FOX! YOU'VE GIVEN UP YOUR FRIENDS!!" Knuckles shouted as Sonic X, Robotnik, Tails X, Destiny and Chuck appeared behind him. "Chuck.....Uncle Chuck help me!!" Tails pleaded. "Stupid fox! You will be a nice addition to the Doomsday plan!" Chuck cackled, tying Tail's arms together with a rope. "FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!!" Tails screamed as he was dragged to the castle. Chapter 3 "Do you guys here anything?" Binx asked, looking out the window. "I didn't. Do you Sally?" "I heard something, but it may have been a bird." Binx sighed. "Tails is always causing trouble with us. He always wants to leave the Freedom Fighters." "Well now his wish came true," Sonic mumbled. "Sonic, you have to realize Tails is only trying to get attention," Sally said, lying on the bed, covering her face. ", He wants to be leader. That's what he wants." "Sonic, maybe we should look for him," Binx said, hugging him. Sonic turned to face her, his face saddened by the events taking place. "We have to be prepared for Kit, you guys said she was headed here." "I don't think she's coming to the cabins," Sally groaned, "Let's go. Tails is probably getting farther and farther by the minute. Tails is more important than Kit." She stood up. "I'm waiting outside, right outside the door. Don't worry, if I see Kit or anything, I'll yell. Okay?" "Okay Sally." Binx helped Sonic to his feet. He gave her a hug. "Binx, do you still love me?" She stared up at him. "We better get looking for Tails." "Oh Binx, answer me please." She walked away from him, her short green dress flapping in the breeze. "Let's go Sonic." Sonic X stretched. "Only 3 of them left Knuckles. 3." He sat down and leaned against the wall. Knuckles sat down next to him. They, along with Destiny and Tails X, were in the main room. Robotnik and Uncle Chuck had left to work on their plan. Bunnicula and Foxton were tied up and blind- folded, they were with Robotnik and Chuck. "Look at Destiny and Tails X over there Knuckles, those two love birds." Tails X and Destiny were sitting across the room playing cutie games with each other. "They make me sick Sonic X." "That is one sick couple over there. They are not for each other." Knuckle's eyes squinted as he thought. "What would Tails X do without her?" "What would we do without her? She lures Binx here." "No she doesn't. She was useful when Tails X came back, and it was just them. Now we don't need her." Sonic X smirked. "We always need a girl here." "Well, all I am saying is that she holds him together." "Tails X does not need a woman to stay together Knuckles, he lived without her for a long time, when the Freedom Fighters where together, including you." "He was suffered physically in battles too, he is literally falling apart. Don't you think she'd be a big loss if something ever happened to her?" Sonic X smiled slyly. "I'm sure we could find a replacement." Chapter 4 The three desperate Freedom Fighters reached the fork in the road. Sonic saw something shiny on the ground. "What is that?" He knelt down and picked up a piece of metal. "Metal? From what?" Binx looked around. "No metal things here, the posts are wood." Sally gasped. "Do you think it's from Sonic X?" "Either him or Tails X," Sonic wondered. "Maybe we should go to the castle," Binx said. "Maybe we should. Let's get going," Sonic urged. When they reached the castle, Sonic noticed the castle door was open. "Any thoughts?" Binx and Sally looked at him. "The sooner we find Tails, the sooner we get out of here. Let's go," Sally told him. They walked into the castle and started to climb the stairs. "I can show you guys where I found that writing." Sonic ran up the stairs. Binx and Sally followed him. "See it?" DoomsDay Project written by Dr. Lucifer Robotnik and Chuck Randoff Date started: June 16, 1996 Expected Knothole Doomsday: undetermined JDSHFIUEHKLJADHSKJHASIUFEJHLKJHFIUHEKHFKJHIUFEN VNDOMCNBHGAGWYIEUIRONBXHJGUEWRIEHFKJNBDCN AHGEBRENFDNASFYGEUNFAOINFIYDGNBIUFEAOEWQOPNEUFN BDIUABFDIWAYEPQIEU9432Y5N0EIDHFIUNHEWIUQBH387BNKJEN QROENU94NNENFUNQERMQPMRIUQPOU83MEMOIRUMNOIQN UURNREUNREQYIR83NMEOPOIRUQNOINUEOINUQOIUOIREUQN OIEUQILOVEERICADJLKJFIFAJLK;JEIJAIHIEO;AIJE;I;J;AOIJHIFDO HAOIJHDOIUAIOUFDKJKHAIUFY398AHOIDUAOIUDOIAUOIIDIDD "That is weird, what does it say?" Sally asked. "I have no idea. It's coded. Chuck must have done it." "That is scary, I mean, Knothole's Doomsday?" Binx shuddered. Sonic moved away from the wall. "I can't stand to look at it. It freaks me out." "Maybe it's there to scare us," Binx thought aloud. All of the sudden, the main door swung open, and Knuckles was standing in the doorway. "What are you guys doing here?????" "Ask that to yourself traitor," Sally yelled at him. Sonic stood in Knuckle's face. "We came for Tails." "Tails?! You think we have Tails? Sonic, are you blaming us for your partner's disappearance?" Binx raised an eyebrow. "How did you know Tails was missing then?" "I know everything Binx, you should know that already," Knuckles said, winking. "Now get out of here before I get Sonic X." "You have him!" Sonic said, running into the control room. "SONIC! NO!" Binx screamed running in after him. Sally started to go in after them, but Knuckles held her back. "Princess, you be careful. We don't want you damaging your nail or anything." Sally pushed Knuckles away and ran into the control room. Sonic had been picked up by Sonic X, and Binx was being held back by Destiny. "Let him go!" Binx hollered at Sonic X. Sonic X laughed, holding Sonic over his head. "You've come back to get beat again, huh? This time I assure you, none of you will be leaving alive." Sally ran over to Sonic X and tried to pull Sonic down. "Let him down! You're accomplishing nothing!" As if listening to her, Sonic X put Sonic down and walked over to Binx. He grabbed her hand and placed it at his heart. "My love," he began, "I love you with all my heart. I think you know that, but I don't believe your friends do. Binx, please stay with me, I want to be with you all of the time." Destiny gagged and clutched onto Tails X. "How disgusting! How wrong! Sonic X, what are you doing??" Sonic and Sally were shocked. "What is going on?" Sonic whispered to her. She didn't answer. Knuckles was shocked himself, and was eager to here Binx's response. "Sonic X...I don't know what to say," she smiled. "NO BINX!!" Sonic dropped to his knees. "OH MY GOD!" "Sonic? What is going on?" Sally tried to lift him to his feet. Binx gave Sonic X a hug. "No more secrets." She turned to Sonic. "This is who I love now," she said, and she gave Sonic X a kiss. "SONIC X! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Destiny cried. "Get away from her!" He smiled. "Surprised Destiny?" "SURPRISED? I'M ABOUT TO KILL MYSELF!" "Wait, what does this mean Binx? Are you joining him?" Sally asked her. "No! No. I can't leave you guys. I'm still good." Sonic X raised an eyebrow. "You can't be good and stay with me." "Yes I can, I mean...I guess I can't." Sonic let out a sigh of relief. "Binx, you can't be in love with him and be with him at the same time." Binx looked at Sonic X, tears in her eyes. "Then I can't be with you." Sally and Sonic smiled, so did Destiny. Knuckles and Tails X frowned. "You can still be with me...." Sonic X growled, his eyes turning red. Binx screamed as he grabbed her by the arms. "Sweet Dreams Freedom Fighters!" He hollered. From behind his back he pulled out two bracelets. "NOOOO!!!!" Binx tried to pull away. But it was too late. Sonic X had snapped the bracelets on Binx. Chapter 5 The door to the main room burst open. Robotnik and Chuck walked into the room with Foxton and Bunnicula being dragged behind. Robotnik stopped and looked around. "What the hell is going on?" Binx's eyes glared red. "Sonic X is ruler of all..." "YOU HAVE BINX??!! I'M SUPPOSED TO HAVE BINX! WE ARE BOTH ON THE SAME SIDE!" Robotnik screamed at Sonic X. "I am not on your side, and Binx is my girlfriend. She will stay on the my side, the neutral side." "Neutral my behind.." Sonic mumbled to Sally. Chuck smiled at Sonic. "Why nephew! We meet again, how nice!" He sauntered over to Sonic and Sally, blowing Sally a kiss. "Princess Sally Acorn! Nice to see you again also." He pushed her to the ground and pinned Sonic against the wall. "Now you listen to me hedgehog.." he whispered in Sonic's ear. "We had you in our hands last time, I could have disposed of you easily that time. But you got away. This time will not be so easy." He laughed. Robotnik grabbed Binx by the arm and tried to pull her toward him. Binx yelped. Sonic X tried to pull Binx toward him. "Guys! Don't fight over Binx! Come on! Stop!" Tails X yelled, trying to pull them apart. He eventually was successful, and he stood in front of her. "We can't fight amongst ourselves. Those two are over there, and our goal is to kill them, not each other!" "Thanks for the inspiration speech Tails X," he said, shoving him out of the way. Robotnik pulled out a pistol. He pointed it at Binx. "If I can't have you Binx...Sonic X can't either.." Sonic tried to break free of Chuck's hold. "NO! BINX!" Sally tried to move, but she was dizzy. "Binx...move!" Knuckles saw Sally moving, and went over to hold her down. "You aren't going anywhere! Even if you can hardly get to your feet!" Robotnik cocked the pistol and carefully aimed at Binx's head. "You're ending your life the way you would have never wanted it...not as a Freedom Fighter. Any final words?" "Go to hell Robotnik, she growled at him. "Oh! I am so honored! Her last words aren't to her friends, but to me! Hahahahahaha!!" Sonic X jumped on Robotnik and tried to get the pistol away from him. Robotnik threw Sonic X off of him, and he hit the wall across the room hard. He turned back to Binx, and once again aimed the pistol at her. "Hasta la vista...Binxie!!" He crackled. Sonic turned away. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Robotnik pulled the trigger back. Binx screamed as the pistol went off. Destiny jumped at Binx, covering her, and was shot right in the head. No one spoke. Destiny fell limp on Binx's lap, as blood began to flow from her head, mouth, and ears. Binx screamed again. "DESTINY! NO..." Robotnik shook. "She's dead...oh no...she's DEAD!!!" Tails X put his head in his hands and sobbed. "Nooo.." The main room was silent. Chuck dropped Sonic, and Knuckles helped Sally up. Sonic X showed no emotion. Sonic ran over to Binx and gave her a hug, and broke off the bracelets, adrenaline racing through him. "Binx, are you okay?" She stared at Destiny, laying on the ground. "She risked her life for me, she hated me." Robotnik threw down the pistol. "Get out," he said, looking at Binx and Sonic. "Get out of here." Knuckles gave Sally to Sonic, and the three of them headed out of the main room. Binx stopped, and looked back in. "Please, could you just tell me what you are going to do with her?" "Get out," Robotnik mumbled, looking at Destiny. Binx placed Sally on the bed. "She needs rest, it's been a long day." "I think you need rest Binx," Sonic said, putting his arm around her. "But what I can't figure out is, she spend her whole life trying to kill you, and when she finally gets her wish, she takes her life away to save yours." Binx could feel the tears in her eyes. "I guess that will always be a mystery to me Sonic, because I'll never get a chance to talk to her again..." The End Stay tuned for Sonic XIX: The Doomsday Plot Thickens!